Hello Everyone,

As I have received few emails from people asking what steps they should follow while applying for Master’s in Germany, I thought it’s better to write a blog and answer to their query.

So, you have decided that you want to do your Master’s from Germany, but don’t have an idea how to start, which universities to apply to, what course to select and have a lot of other buzzing unanswered queries. I hope the following few steps might help you out get started.

  • If you are reading this blog, then I guess you are already on the right track by checking DAAD-website. DAAD provide you with explicit information about studying in Germany and you will find almost all your answers here.
  • It is important that you first decide in which field do you want to do your master’s. This, generally should not be decided in a moment and I suggest you take your time thinking what interest you, what you want yourself to be after your master’s, which subjects you liked during your bachelor’s and what future does it hold.
  • Why I am emphasizing on this thing is because if you do your master’s in something which doesn’t evoke you, it will be an arduous task to complete your master’s.
  • Now that you have decided the field, it’s time to go for targeting the universities. Search on the DAAD website, and you will find all the universities which offer a course in that corresponding field.
  • Say, you selected Electrical Engineering as a field for masters, DAAD will list down all the universities which offer courses of Electrical Engineering or related field.
  • Jot down at least 15 universities in the starting which offers courses relevant to the field you have decided. You can screen out a few universities afterwards.

In part II of this blog, I will list down further steps you should follow and explain how to apply to the universities.

Thank you


Hello, I am Yash Inaniya and I am from India. I have been in Germany since October 2016 and currently pursuing my master’s in Embedded System at TU Chemnitz.